Universal Class Online Learning
Universal Class offers a huge variety of courses which can be taken online free through the library. You will need the whole number on the back of your library card to sign up.
Classes include:
How to Build Your Own Business
Animal and Bird Studies
Learn HTML
Writing Improvement
PowerSpeak Languages
PowerSpeak offers language courses in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, and English. Sign into our Gale databases and scroll down to power speak. For the password stop by or call the library
Coursera provides free online classes taught by professors from colleges and universities from around the country. Does require sign up.
Codecademy offers free classes teaching many programing languages including Javascript, jQuery, and Python. Does require sign up.
MIT OpenCourseWare
MIT publishes its course content on the web. There is no credit offered but it allows everyone to learn using the MIT course work. More information and course descriptions can be found at OpenCourseWork.
W3Schools offers tutorials in HTML, CSS, XML and other programming languages. It is a handy reference for beginners and experienced coders alike.